Regarded as the “Capital of SMEs” with over 50,000 SMEs.
Also known as the “granary” of Türkiye
Leading producer of flour, sugar, milk, wheat, barley, sugar beet, sunflower seeds, tulip, corn (grain), carrot, cherry, vetch, bird seed, pea, sainfoin (seed), lupine in Türkiye
The only province in Türkiye that aluminum mineral is prospected.
Machine production, automotive supply industry, metal casting, agricultural tools and machinery production, food production industry and shoemaking are the leading sectors in Konya.
Türkiye's leader in the production of agricultural machinery and equipment.
45% share in the Turkish market of metal processing machines,
70% share in the Turkish market of vehicle-mounted equipment sector
12th in Türkiye with $3,59 billion exports in 2024
Konya exports are more than the total export value of 36 cities.
Konya exports to more than 190 countries.
Konya has more than 3.500 registered exporters.
The share of manufacturing industry export in total exports is 94%.
Top 5 export countries: Russia Federation, Iraq, Germany, USA, and Italy.
Exports increased 41 times from 2000 to 2024.
18th in Türkiye with $1,35 billion imports in 2024.
Top 5 import countries: China, Russian Fedaration, Germany, Ukranie and Italy.
Konya's foreign trade surplus is approximately 2.23 billion dollars. It is the 6th province with the highest foreign trade surplus.
In 2023, 572 investment incentive certificates were issued in Konya and it ranks 5th in Türkiye.
The fixed investment amount specified within the scope of investment incentive certificates in Konya in 2023 is 31 billion TL and it ranks 15th in Türkiye.
In 2023, the number of employment specified within the scope of investment incentive certificates in Konya is 8,331 people, and it ranks 12th in Türkiye.
As of the end of 2024, there are 684 companies with foreign capital from 69 countries in Konya.
Syria with 194 companies is the country with the highest number of foreign capital companies in Konya. Its share in the total is 28,4%.
The 2nd country with the highest number of foreign capital companies is Germany with 52 companies; The 3rd country is Iraq with 45 companies.
Konya has a developed industrial infrastructure with 12 organized industrial zones, 3 industrial zones, 150 industry sites and 2 technology development zones.
With 4,807 trademark registrations in 2024 6th in Türkiye.
With 59 patents in 2024 8th in Türkiye.
With 162 utility model registrations in 2024 5th in Türkiye.
With 1,460 design registrations in 2024 7th in Türkiye.