Featured Figures
Prominent Statistical Data in Konya Province
2.32 Million People
Türkiye's 6th Most Populous City
2.7% of Türkiye's Population
Unemployment Rate in Konya
7th in Unemployment Rate in Türkiye
University Students
in the 5 Universities
3.36 Billion $
Export to mor than 180 Countries and 3,400+ Exporters
1.75 Billion Dollars Trade Surplus
Sectoral Share of Industry in GDP
Sectoral Share of Industry of Türkiye
in the number of Industrial Enterprises in Türkiye
12 OIZ
4th in the Number of OIZs
3rd with 60 Million m2 Area
Leader of Türkiye
in the Production of Total Farming Area and Total Grain, Milk, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Sugar Beet, Wheat and Barley
Konya Investment Support Office
Mevlana Development Agency
Konevi Mah. Feritpasa Cad. No:18 Meram/Konya/TÜRKİYE 42040
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